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What does AOE mean?

AoE meaning stands mainly for “Area of Effect”. It is a set of codes organized with their names and functions that define the range of attacks or spells. In other words, an attack, spell or function of your character affects an area, rather than just affecting one or more targets specifically or randomly.

What does AOE mean in Mobile Legends?

AOE meaning in mobile legends does not change much compared to DOTA2 and LOL. The best example is Aurora’s ultimate skill, which launches a giant ice rock to a designated area, thus damaging and slowing the enemies.

What does AOE mean in Dota 2?

As in LoL the AoE meaning gaming plays a fundamental role in the team strategy of this game, especially those that carry an extra effect (As the Instantly pulls of Magnus that pull and stun enemies that are nearby, making it easier for a partner with better DPS to make a massacre). – Read here more Dota 2 news.

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